Natural disaster

When the massive Tohoku earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred in March 2011, many people felt panic, and did not know “what should do”, "where was available toilet", “where was the available evacuation center”, etc. Since the train systems in Tokyo were stopped after the massive Tohoku earthquake, there are about 3 million people in Tokyo who had difficulty returning home. And, I was one of them, it took me 9 hours to come back home (in normal day, it took me only about 1 hour). The Japanese government said that there is 87% of chance of an approximately 8.0-magnitude earthquake occurring in the Tokai region in Japan within the next 30 years. In this case, temporary homeless in Tokyo such as people unable to return home is expected to reach to an amount of 6.5 million people.

Not only earthquake, tsunami, there are many other disasters around the world.

So, What can you do? What a computer scientist can do? 

I wish someone who can continuously do the following works:

If( you can read Japanese ){

        See my doctoral presentation


       Contact me for more information.
